Jens Molbak Takes Part in Nordic Innovation Summit Panel, “Financing for Our Common Future”

NewImpact founder Jens Molbak had an opportunity to speak on the “Financing for our Common Future” panel on May 19th, 2022 at the Nordic Innovation Summit, hosted by Seattle’s Nordic Heritage Museum. Jens discussed the ways in which NewImpact is promoting Tri-Sector Innovation (TSI) as a new way of finding opportunities and solving problems at scale, faster.

The panel, hosted by E8 Ventures co-founder Lars Johansson and featuring Jim Brisimitzis of 5G Open Innovation Lab, Birger Steen from Summa Equity, and Örn Valdimarsson, Managing Director of Eyrir, focused on how to finance impact at scale and posed the question: how can private equity be used for good in the world?


Discussion highlights:

  • While there may not be enough “new” money in the world to fund solutions for the many global challenges we face, Jens addresses how NewImpact is promoting new ways to solve problems at scale, through the repurposing of existing resources.

  • How, by using a bucket of Legos as an analogy for the world’s resources, we can begin to visualize a “balance sheet of the world,” with each Lego representing a sector resource. How might we repurpose or “borrow” from the vast abundance of resources siloed within the private, public and social sectors, to solve societal problems and build stronger organizations?

  • How the Tri-Sector Mindset offers a new way of thinking about solving problems and finding opportunities through the repurposing of existing resources, the alignment of self interests, and the creation of common benefit.

  • How Jens’ Coinstar business model illustrates the synergistic “give-get” potential of TSI.

  • Ways in which organizations can create and measure impact.

We invite you to watch the panel discussion in its entirety and contact us to learn more about: (1) how companies can use tri-sector innovation to strengthen their current business models; (2) how investors can find exciting opportunities to invest in TSI model-makers; (3) how each of us can take part in an “all of society” approach to to collaborative problem solving.

If you’re an innovator wondering what tri-sector innovation might mean or do for you or your organization, we encourage you to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What impact would you like to have, both personally and as part of your business or organizational model?

  • If you are part of a private company, what resources from the public and social sectors might be repurposed and leveraged to contribute to your business model? How might self-interests be aligned across sectors?

  • Likewise, if you are part of a public or social sector organization, how might you look across sectors to discover new opportunities for growth and impact? How might your model benefit others?

A sample version of our Tri-Sector Business Canvas offers more questions for innovators, and we invite you reach out to us directly if you have questions of your own or want to learn more about TSI.


Related Links:

“Financing for Our Common Future” Panel:

Nordic Innovation Summit morning sessions:

Kelle Clarke