TSI: A Strategy for Innovators and Organizations

by Samra Meyer, Research Analyst & Impact Innovator


I discovered NewImpact in 2021. After two years in the private sector, I wanted to explore new opportunities and learn unique approaches to problem-solving. That’s when the job description for an Analyst at NewImpact caught my eye. 

The nonprofit start-up highlighted a new approach that focused on creating solutions using Tri-Sector Innovation.   

I had two immediate thoughts:

  1. What an interesting role; I think I could do this job and enjoy it!

  2. What is Tri-Sector Innovation? 

I quickly learned that #2 was a good question, since it is the same message that NewImpact is working on sharing with the rest of the world.  

The Tri-Sector Mindset & Tools

As a research analyst at NewImpact, the best way I can describe Tri-Sector Innovation—which involved repurposing of existing resources and aligning self-interests across all three sectors—is to illustrate the concept in action.

Tri-sector strategy is well showcased in our 2022 project, A Tri-Sector Strategy to Better Serve Black Homebuyers, in which we set out to address the widening gap in homeownership by better preparing low- to moderate-income Black households to purchase homes as a key lever in building generational wealth.

Our proposed tri-sector solution was a platform connecting Black homebuyers to resources such as homebuyer education materials, a personalized homebuyer journey, individualized pre-purchase counseling, and more. To make it work, organizations from each sector — housing counselors, lenders, real estate agents, land developers and community organization— would need to work together to refer buyers to this platform. Connecting Black homebuyers to this single platform would, in turn, simplify their journey, connecting them to quality resources and verified organizations and improving the overall buyer experience. It would also create a support team that they could connect with on difficult parts of the process. This is just one example of our several catalyst projects which repurpose existing resources to create greater impact.

 My Tri-Sector Experience 

As a research analyst, I worked directly with NewImpact’s tri-sector tools every day to build solutions that address the challenges and needs for each catalyst project. I took my research and synthesis skills and paired it with the following tools to build solutions and final recommendations. 

  1. NewImpact Wiki -  Using this tool, I worked to identify existing organizations and their resources. By expanding the range of search, I had access to even greater opportunity. For example, in our Black Homebuyership project, using the Wiki and survey tool helped quickly identify Homebuyership Resources that could bring more organizations and resources together to expand the reach of our solution.

  2.  Impact Journey - By mapping the journey of the impacted persons, I was able to identify pathways, bottlenecks and challenges that turn into opportunity areas for solutioning. For example, in the Equitable Apprenticeships for BIPOC Young Adults project, creating the Apprentice Journey and Employer Journey helped to identify challenges faced by young learners considering apprenticeships and employers starting new apprenticeship programs.  Likewise, the Black Homebuyers Journey reflects challenges a black homebuyer may face before they even start to purchase a home and also identify challenges they may face along the way. 

  3. Spotlight Map - Interviews with industry experts, people with lived experiences, and a wide range of perspectives contribute to this map, as we synthesized the takeaways from voices in the impact area.For example, in our project focused on Expanding Job Opportunities for Older Americans, the Aging Spotlight Map was built to explore different facets of aging and to gain deeper understanding of the experiences of people in this impact area. 

  4. Tri-Sector Innovation Canvas - This canvas consolidates items from all the research and other tools to bring together the problem statement, key insights, challenges, resources, and organizations to help in solutioning.

  5. Tri-Sector Equation - Creating a tri-sector equation provided an approach for building solutions that involved players from each sector (public, private, and social) to drive change for greater impact. For example, in our Tri-Sector Strategy to Better Serve Black Homebuyers project, the Trisector Equation (slide 55 of project recommendations) outlines all the potential players in our solution, their self-interests, resources given, and resources received. 

Additional tools we used include Kumu for systems mapping, Miro for creating visualizations, and Figma to present solution designs.

As many people with  startup experience know, it's all about learning and building as you go. Building something new with a common goal and vision is what ties the team together.

This role challenged my individual development by requiring continuous learning and being agile to change. It also built my confidence by working in new impact areas for each project including the following: 

Your Tri-Sector Experience 

 Using NewImpact’s tri-sector strategy can help you and your organization impact the world in new ways. I challenge you to think about how your organization could use a tri-sector strategy to create greater impact. It has helped me approach projects with a new lens and think beyond what is right in front of me; I encourage you to see what it can do for you.

Kelle Clarke